The Bayonne Police Department has implemented a new body worn camera program starting this summer. Chief Robert Geisler will be selecting officers within the department to wear the cameras with the anticipation of additional cameras being rolled out by the end of the year.

Police Officers will begin recording audio/visual interactions between police and citizens. Body cameras are viewed as a valuable asset intended to assist department officers in the prosecution of certain offenders by augmenting an officer’s testimony with a video/audio record of the incident. Additionally, this equipment will enable department administrators to conduct periodic reviews of officer-citizen contacts for quality control purposes and aid in the investigation of citizen complaints. In addition, the cameras provide another level of transparency to the public.

The Bayonne Police Department was able to obtain a grant that covered a majority of the cost of the cameras. After much evaluation the Bayonne Police Department has selected the Mobile-Vision BWX-100 body worn camera. Selected uniformed officers will wear the camera on their chest, on the outer most layer of clothing. The camera is black and is about 3 inches in length by 2 inches in width. The camera is activated when the center button is pushed revealing a red-light indicator that recording is occurring. The BWX-100 Body Worn Camera will be worn on the front outer most garment of an officer’s uniform.